Monthly Art Lessons

I am considering offering a second set of monthly art lessons starting in Fall 2015. The class would be small (3 students) to allow for individual instruction. Students would spend the first hour exploring two dimensional mediums and techniques (pencil, ink, pastel, acrylic, watercolor, shape, texture, perspective, shading, and more). The second hour will be spent enjoying three dimensional art - clay!

Students will also receive optional homework to further their technique over the next month. Classes will begin each month by looking over homework to encourage art critiquing skills and to help inspire new works of art over the next month.

Possible monthly lesson times (we would pick a particular week ie first Monday each month):
Monday 1-3
Thursday 1-3
Friday 10-12 or 12:30-2:30

Location: 7056 Wildlife Trail, Raleigh, NC 27613
Phone: 919-600-9199

Price: $50/month

At least 4 months would allow the student to complete 2 full cycles with clay (one month make, the next month glaze).